Boek Bruce Springsteen Compleet

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Bruce Springsteen Complete offers the full story of 'The Boss' in 680 pages. Behind every Springsteen song are enlightening insights into the creative inspiration of the New Jersey songwriter and singer.

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    Boek Bruce Springsteen Compleet

    We beginnen bij Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ en eindigen bij Letter To You; daartussenin vinden we absoluut klassieke Springsteen-albums als Darkness on the Edge of Town, Nebraska en Born in the U.S.A..

    Bruce Springsteen Compleet biedt het volledige verhaal van 'The Boss’ in 680 pagina’s. Achter elk Springsteenliedje zijn verhelderende inzichten op te doen over de creatieve inspiratie van de songwriter en zanger uit New Jersey, die een bijzondere hoek voor zichzelf in de populaire cultuur wist te creëren door te zingen over het arbeidersleven in de Verenigde Staten.

    Bruce Springsteen Compleet is de meest volledige geschiedenis van een van de grootste muzikanten aller tijden en geeft je de achtergrondinformatie bij alle nummers, waaronder de hits “Born to Run”, “Thunder Road”, “The River”, “Born in the U.S.A” en “Streets of Philadelphia”. Chronologisch gearrangeerd en uitermate gedetailleerd gaan de auteurs van dit boek de songs, albums, live-opnames, out-takes, rariteiten en samenwerkingen zoals die met de E Street Band bij langs, van vroege hits als “Blinded by the Light” en “Spirit in the Night” tot meesterwerken als “Dancing in the Dark” en “Tucson Train”.

    Aangevuld met honderden foto’s en een gedetailleerde analyse van elke afzonderlijke song, is dit bij uitstek het meest-omvattende Springsteen-overzicht op de planeet.

    We start with Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ and end with Letter To You; in between we find absolutely classic Springsteen albums like Darkness on the Edge of Town, Nebraska and Born in the U.S.A..

    Bruce Springsteen Complete offers the full story of 'The Boss' in 680 pages. Behind every Springsteen song are enlightening insights into the creative inspiration of the New Jersey songwriter and singer, who carved a special corner for himself in popular culture by singing about working-class life in the United States.

    Bruce Springsteen Complete is the most complete history of one of the greatest musicians of all time, giving you background information on all songs, including the hits "Born to Run", "Thunder Road", "The River", "Born in the U.S.A" and Streets of Philadelphia. Arranged chronologically and in great detail, the authors of this book go through the songs, albums, live recordings, out-takes, rarities and collaborations such as those with the E Street Band from early hits like “Blinded by the Light” and “Spirit in the Night” to masterpieces like “Dancing in the Dark” and “Tucson Train”.

    Completed with hundreds of photos and a detailed analysis of every single song, this is by far the most comprehensive Springsteen overview on the planet.

    Book is written in Dutch.

    We start with Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ and end with Letter To You; in between we find absolutely classic Springsteen albums like Darkness on the Edge of Town, Nebraska and Born in the U.S.A..

    Bruce Springsteen Complete offers the full story of 'The Boss' in 680 pages. Behind every Springsteen song are enlightening insights into the creative inspiration of the New Jersey songwriter and singer, who carved a special corner for himself in popular culture by singing about working-class life in the United States.

    Bruce Springsteen Complete is the most complete history of one of the greatest musicians of all time, giving you background information on all songs, including the hits "Born to Run", "Thunder Road", "The River", "Born in the U.S.A" and Streets of Philadelphia. Arranged chronologically and in great detail, the authors of this book go through the songs, albums, live recordings, out-takes, rarities and collaborations such as those with the E Street Band from early hits like “Blinded by the Light” and “Spirit in the Night” to masterpieces like “Dancing in the Dark” and “Tucson Train”.

    Completed with hundreds of photos and a detailed analysis of every single song, this is by far the most comprehensive Springsteen overview on the planet.

    Book is written in Dutch.

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