Mart Hillen Fingerstyle Guitar Workshop & Concert
Mart Hillen Fingerstyle Guitar Workshop & Concert
There are few musicians who can make one guitar sound like a whole band. Mart Hillen is one of those: he plays the melody and bass parts, and drums on his guitar at the same time. Mart started playing guitar at the age of eight. It took until the age of 13 before he discovered YouTube and was introduced to Fingerstyle guitar: his passion had been discovered. We are very happy that Mart is coming to our theatre in Dedemsvaart on Sunday 2 February to showcase his virtuoso playing as well as give a workshop!
In the process, he has developed his own style over the years, combining different techniques to come up with new ideas. And not without success: in 2016, Mart won several music competitions: Rabo On Stage and the Fingerstyle Academy Awards in Amsterdam, where he played with the world's best acoustic guitarist Tommy Emmanuel. ‘I think I can retire’ was his reaction when he heard Mart play.

Fingerstyle Guitar Workshop
In Mart's interactive workshop, Mart talks about how he deciphered this way of playing guitar and taught himself. Not only is he going to show these different techniques and playing styles, but most of all he wants to go deep into what you as a guitarist want to know more about.
So you get a unique chance to ask all your questions about fingerstyle and learn techniques you've always wanted to play.
Tickets & Timetable
There are 2 types of tickets available for this event. A limited number of combo tickets are available, giving access to both the workshop and the concert. You can also buy tickets for just the concert. You can order your tickets here .
- Ticket Concert: €19,50,-
- Combo Ticket Workshop & Concert: €49,50,-
13:00 - 14:30 uur: Fingerstyle Guitar Workshop
15:00 - 16:30 uur: Mart Hillen Concert